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Adapting to German Parenting Styles: Navigating Differences and Embracing New Norms

Hello, dear readers of “Expat Mom in Germany”! Today, we’re tackling a topic that resonates deeply with all of us who are navigating the complex journey of raising children in a culture different from our own. German parenting styles might seem unique at first glance, especially if you come from a place with different attitudes…

Demystifying Elterngeld and Kindergeld: Understanding the Differences

Hello to all the readers of “Expat Mom in Germany”! Today, we’re tackling an important topic that can be quite confusing for expats living in Germany—understanding the differences between Elterngeld (Parental Allowance) and Kindergeld (Child Benefit). Both forms of financial support offer significant benefits, but they serve different purposes and have different eligibility criteria. Let’s…

How to Apply for Childcare Benefits in Germany: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hello to all the expat families following “Expat Mom in Germany”! Today’s post is focused on a very practical aspect of living in Germany—applying for childcare benefits. Navigating the application process can be daunting, especially if you’re new to the country or the language. To help you manage, we’re breaking down the steps to apply…

Understanding the Financial Aspects and Government Support for Childcare in Germany

Hello, “Expat Mom in Germany” readers! Today, we’re tackling an essential topic for all parents living in Germany: the financial aspects of childcare and the extensive government support systems available. Whether you’re newly arrived or settling into your routine, understanding how childcare is financed can help you manage your budget and take full advantage of…

Embracing Matrescence: The Journey into Motherhood

Motherhood is a transformative journey beyond the physical aspects of giving birth and raising a child. It encompasses a profound psychological and emotional transformation known as “matrescence.” This term, coined by anthropologist Dana Raphael, describes becoming a mother and the profound changes women undergo during this period. In this article, we explore the concept of…